The 9th iHuman Forum

The 9th iHuman Forum

November 8th to 9th, 2024
Conference Center, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China

November 8th to 9th, 2024
Conference Center, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China

About the event

The 9th iHuman Forum, organized by the iHuman Institute at ShanghaiTech University, will be held at the ShanghaiTech University Conference Center from November 8 to 9, 2024.

Since its establishment, the iHuman Institute at ShanghaiTech University has successfully hosted the iHuman Forum eight times. This year's forum will focus on the theme AI-Driven Frontiers in Cell Signaling and Translational Research: Challenges and Opportunities, and will serve as one of the thematic forums of the 17th Pujiang Innovation Forum 2024. The 9th iHuman Forum covers three research topics: I. Membrane Protein Structure & Function, II. Target Mechanism & Drug Discovery, and III. In situ Structural Biology.

The forum will provide a high-level platform for showcasing and exchanging the latest advancements in the fields of structural biology, chemical biology, computational biology, medicinal chemistry, and cryo-electron tomography. We warmly invite scientists and researchers from various research institutions, universities, and industry to participate and contribute to the exploration and innovation in these areas.


November 8
9:00-9:10 Opening RemarksYIN JieShanghaiTech   University

9:15-9:40Drug   Discovery Targeting G Protein-Coupled ReceptorsXIE   XinShanghai   Institute of Materia Medica, CAS
9:40-10:05Transport   mechanism and pharmacology of the human GlyT1ZHAO   YanInstitute   of Biophysics, CAS
10:05-10:20Coffee   Break

10:20-10:40The   molecular basis of opioid receptors activated by opioid drugsWANG   YueShanghai   Institute of Materia Medica, CAS
10:40-11:00Signal   transduction and functional modulation of metabotropic glutamate receptorsLIN   ShulingShanghai   Institute of Materia Medica, CAS
11:00-11:15Characterizing   the role of extracellular domain in GLP-1R biased agonismXIE   LinshanShanghaiTech   University
11:15-11:30Adenosine   Receptor Transmembrane Signaling Studied by Genetic Labeling and Fluorine-19   NMRGUO   CanyongShanghaiTech   University
11:30-11:45Structural   basis of proton sensing and allosteric modulation of GPR4 and GPR65YUE   XiaoleiShanghaiTech   University
11:45-12:00Structural   basis of antagonist selectivity in endothelin receptorsLIU   ShenhuiShanghaiTech   University
12:00-12:15Structural   and Pharmacological Studies of Mammalian TAAR1JIANG   KexinShanghaiTech   University
12:15-13:30Lunch   Break

November 8
13:30-13:55Ras-Raf   signalosome as an example--what computer modeling can uniquely tackle and how   it can facilitate "real" structural biologySHAN   Yibing ShanghaiTech   University
13:55-14:10Toward   Sense of Smell: Evolution-Based Classification of Olfactory Receptors WU   YiranShanghaiTech   University
14:10-14:25Mechanism   Study and Agonist Design of STING ProteinLI   RuiShanghai   Jiao Tong University
14:25-14:40PhenoScreen:   A Phenotypic Screening Method Established by a Dual-space Contrastive   Learning Framework for Linking Chemical Perturbations to Cellular   Morphological ProfilesWANG   ShihangShanghaiTech   University
14:40-14:55Unraveling   Disentangled Representations for Structural Heterogeneity in Cryo-EM using   Neural NetworksYU   BingShanghaiTech   University
14:55-15:15 Coffee Break

15:15-15:40Exploration   of New Targeted Protein Degradation TechnologiesLU   BoxunFudan   University
15:40-15:55Structure-based   discovery of selective 5-HT2A agonistsLI  HuiqiongShanghaiTech   University
15:55-16:10A   multi-tissue cell membrane protein atlas reveals GPCRome remodeling in   response to obesity    LANG   XiaoyuShanghaiTech   University
16:10-16:25Deciphering   Cell-specific Enhancers in the Cochlea for Efficient and Targeted Gene   Therapy of Hereditary Hearing LossZHAO   SimenShanghaiTech   University
16:25-16:40Medial   Septum Contributions to Trajectory Encoding in the HippocampusLI   RuiShanghaiTech   University
16:40-17:40Poster   Session 

November 9
9:00-9:25TBDHolger MuellerUniversity of   California, Berkeley
9:25-9:50Towards A CryoEM Foundation ModelYU   JingyiShanghaiTech   University
9:50-10:15In situ organization and dynamics inside neuronal synapseBI   GuoqiangUniversity   of Science and Technology of China
10:15-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-10:55In-cell   NMR Spectroscopy for Cellular Structural BiologyLI   Conggang Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement   Science and Technology, CAS
10:55-11:153D   classification by AI for in situ subtomogram averaging of membrane-bridging   complexesVladan Lucic Max Planck   Institute of Biochemistry
11:15-11:35In-cell   structural insights into the sperm axoneme related asthenozoospermiaZHU   YunInstitute   of Biophysics, CAS
11:35-11:55Large-scale   analysis of protein conformations and interactions in live cell by CXMSZHAO   QunDalian   Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
11:55-13:30 Lunch Break

November 9
13:30-13:55Developing Small Molecule Agonists for GLP-1R and other Peptide GPCRsSONG XianqiangStructure   Therapeutics
13:55-14:20TBDEric   ChenThermo   Fisher Scientific
14:20-15:00Flash   Talks for Poster Awards  (5 min X 8   talks)

15:00-15:10Poster   Awards & Volunteer Appreciation

15:10-15:15Closing   Remarks


Invited speakers

(In alphabetical order by last name)

BI GuoqiangUniversity of Science and Technology of China
Eric Chen Thermo Fisher Scientific
LI ConggangInnovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS
LU BoxunFudan University 
Vladan LucicMax Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Holger  MuellerUniversity of California, Berkeley
SHAN YibingShanghaiTech University 
SONG XiangqiangStructure Therapeutics
XIE XinShanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS 
YU JingyiShanghaiTech University
ZHAO YanInstitute of Biophycics, CAS

Young Scholar Speakers

(In alphabetical order by last name)

LIN ShulingShanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS 
WANG YueShanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS
YUE WangShanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS 
ZHAO QunDalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
ZHU YunInstitute of Biophysics, CAS

    The Forum also features a series of short talks given by young scholars or students from different research groups at ShanghaiTech Univeristy or Shanghai Jiao Tong Univeristy.

Contact us

Contact Person: Dr. Feng (Ms.)

Phone: +86 021 20684420




上海市 浦东新区 张江高科技园区 海科路555号
电话:+86-21-3816 8888

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电话:+86-21-6165 1111

上海市 浦东新区 金科路4395号

上海市 浦东新区 海科路777号

电话:+86-21-6169 8888


Conference Center, ShanghaiTech University

Address: 1 Zhongke Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China